On the Job Market

Poulomi Chakravarty, PhD

Hello and Namashkar.

I am an Environment and Climate Science Postdoctoral Researcher, with a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences from the Central University of Jharkhand, India↗. I am a DST INSPIRE Fellow↗ sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.

My research primarily focuses on micrometeorology and the role of land surface processes in the climate system during thunderstorms. Additionally, I have a keen interest in exploring the impacts of extreme events, climate change and policies, environmental pollution, water management and ecology.

I consider climate education a top priority and firmly believe in inspiring and educating the next generation of climate scientists and environmental leaders. With this objective I have founded Global Climate Association, an endeavour to raise awareness on the importance of climate science, the environment, and sustainable development (UN SDG↗) and aid in climate literacy for a broader audience.

My research has given me the opportunity to explore the intricacies of our planet's complex systems, and I am excited about the possibilities of mitigating the impacts of climate change and creating a more sustainable future through my work. Beyond research, I am enthusiastic about organizing local events, participating in social media campaigns, educational non-profits↗, and collaborating with like-minded individuals to promote climate education and awareness.

Currently, I am an Executive Coordination Team Member of the South Asian Meteorological Association (SAMA↗) In this role, I manage the official SAMA website, social media, and host activities of the association to furthering the objectives of regional cooperation for development of meteorology research and capacity building in the 9 South Asian member countries.

I have recently joined Planet Alba↗ as a freelance SDG and Education Expert. Planet Alba (PA) is a SDG driven, profit-oriented, DEI conform, community-based business with digital roots and profound real-world impact.

I am motivated to engage with like-minded individuals who share a passion for the environment, climate and sustainable development. I am eager to explore potential collaborations that can drive meaningful progress towards a more all inclusive sustainable future.

"The human race is challenged more than ever before to demonstrate our mastery, not over nature but of ourselves."

- Rachel Carson, Marine Biologist and Conservationist.


Curriculum Vitae

CV available on request.


Ph.D. (2022), Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, IndiaMaster of Science (2014), Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, IndiaBachelor of Science (2012), Magadh University, Patna, India


With a multidisciplinary background in climate, ecology and environmental science, I have cultivated expertise in several key areas:1. Investigation of extreme weather phenomena
2. Analysis of land surface-atmosphere interactions
3. Exploration of mechanisms underlying plant-environment interactions and climate change
4. Pollution
5. Agriculture and Productivity
Building on this scientific foundation, my current focus has shifted to Climate and Environmental Education. I am dedicated to disseminating scientifically accurate and culturally relevant information to local communities and learners. This endeavor aims to empower individuals with the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions, ultimately contributing to the development of climate-resilient and sustainable communities.
My work bridges the gap between complex scientific concepts and practical, actionable insights, fostering a deeper understanding of environmental challenges and potential solutions among diverse stakeholders.

Post Doctoral Research

Currently in my Post Doctoral Research, I am engaged in developing Climate Communications Channel© Framework at the Global Climate Association. This is climate literacy and action initiative focused on knowledge transfer between the natural world and Indigenous communities, scientific communities, educational institutions and lastly the learner communities (students and local communities facing brunt of climate change). The aim of this research is to develop climate resilient communities across the globe who are utilizing their own generational knowledge fortified by scientific researchers and educational facilitators for a holistic, educated future. Read More on Chakravarty and Gattupalli 2024; Chakravarty 2023; Chakravarty 2023;

Doctoral Research

My doctoral research focused on the interaction between the land surface and atmosphere during pre-monsoon thunderstorm activity in Eastern India. This study utilized ground-based observations from a micrometeorological tower at the study site, coupled with planetary boundary layer models such as WRF (ARW), to better understand the characteristics of these thunderstorms which are prevalent in the region.

Masters Research

Previously, during my masters dissertation, I studied the effects of Cyclone Thane on vegetation and land surface temperature in the impacted areas of the East Coast of India. I possess both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in analyzing and assessing climatic extreme events and disasters. Utilizing specialized tools such as ERDAS IMAGINE and ArcGIS, I conducted analyses of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and land surface temperature (LST) changes to quantify the extent of damage.

Bachelors Research

During my undergraduate studies, I conducted a research to investigate the impact of silica potash as a fertilizer on the growth and productivity of two different varieties of rice. Through this project, I aimed to deepen my understanding of plant-environment interactions and the factors that govern crop yield. By carefully monitoring the response of local rice varieties to the addition of silica potash, I was able to gain valuable insights into the physiological and biochemical mechanisms that underlie plant growth and development.

During my participation in a UGC-sponsored project for a year, I conducted research on Arsenic toxicity in the fluvial plains of river Ganga, focusing on its presence in crops like rice and tomatoes. This project provided me with the opportunity to gain experience in laboratory analysis of physico-chemical parameters associated with water, soil, and plants.


I have taught both college undergraduate-level and graduate-level courses.

Fall 2021

  • EVS-122 Agriculture Microbiology Under-graduate level

  • SAC-312 Pesticides and Biofertilizers Under-graduate level

  • SAC-509 Soil, Water and Air Pollution Graduate level

Summer 2021

  • EVS-502 Instrumental Methods of Environmental Analysis Graduate level

  • EVS-507 Biodiversity and Conservation Graduate level

Spring 2021

  • EVS-111 Fundamentals of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology Under-graduate level

  • EVS-122 Agriculture Microbiology Under-graduate level

  • EVS-502 Instrumental Methods of Environmental Analysis Graduate level

  • SOILS-510 Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques for Soil, Water and Crop Studies Graduate level